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Thrive! Sculpture
GChris Studio/Gallery
GChris Sculptor

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GChris Sculpture Studio/Gallery

Copyright 2018-23

Gary "Chris" Christopherson

  About GChris Sculptor                                                                                          

About GChris


Gary (Chris) Christopherson


Chris in sculpture workshop/studio

     Growing up near Nelson, WI, now lives and creates sculpture there after living and creating in University Park, MD (greater Washington, DC).

      Wrote science fiction novels - The Thrive! Endeavor and black box - and children's books - T!rrific [terrific] - What will you do to thrive? and Angel, Creator of Artful Things. Amazon

      Wrote books about building a thriving future including Thrive! - Building a Thriving Future and Thrive! - People's Guide to a Thriving Future. Amazon

      Throughout his career, has worked on national and local policy issues and on health/human service systems, models and reform. His major priority is building a thriving future. Thrive! Website -

New Book on Chris -  A Life in Pursuit of Thriving for All

 This is the story of and by Chris [Gary “Chris” Christopherson] and his lifelong pursuit of a thriving future – all thrive forever. It begins and ends in rural western Wisconsin. But so much happens, much in Washington (DC), in the intervening 70+ years. Available in paperback and eBook via  or as a free download [PDF]

Background on Sculpture    

Has created over 200 Thrive! sculptures under signature GChris. His primary artistic influence is Alexander Calder.     

Thrive! abstract sculpture by GChris supports our building a thriving future for all forever.    

Sculptures utilize natural materials - copper/wood. Are to be interacted with and gently touched. Sizes range from a foot to dozen feet. Some make sounds; some remain silent. Some move physically; some conceptually. All generate shadows, a second image. 

Background on Policy & Management

Founder, "Thrive! and "HealthePeople

Acting Asst Sec for Health Affairs, DoD

Sen Adv to Chief Operating Officer, CMS, DHHS

Assoc Dir, Off of Presidential Personnel, White House.

Senior Fellow, Institute of Medicine, NAS 

Senior Fellow, National Academy of Public Administration

Chief Information Officer, Veterans Health, VA

Dir of Health Legis, House Select Committee on Aging.

BA in Poli. Sci. and MS in Urban/Regional Planning from U. of WI - Madison.

Doctoral work, John Hopkins Public Health.

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